Isn't it clunky on a mobile terminal? I've opted for using orgzly for some basic list stuff but haven't gone any deeper because it's always been annoying.
I find just directly using Emacs in Termux less clunky than orgzly honestly. Mobile in general is a bit clunky compared to a regular machine, at least for anything involving typing, but Termux Emacs is fine for quick notes.
I am a big GitJournal user. There's a small feature that I'd really like to see. It'd be great if I could set a designated "Inbox" file that would accept the Share Sheet output.
Basically, I'll be on some website and want to save it for later, then hit share and hit GitJournal, but it creates it's own file, rather than going into my Inbox; which clutters up my repo.
Disclaimer: GitJournal Author