What's the easiest way to get org-more (and Emacs?) working under Windows? Is there a same/similar setup which is more lightweight that can run org-mode? Any Notepad++ plug-ins?
I don't need a heavy setup for the Windows laptop that I use for business-y things and bringing to meetings.
(Back in the day I used to use Emacs and Gnus for mail and netnews, but I haven't done that in a long while.)
If you want the latest and greatest Org Mode functionality, then you really want to use it in Emacs. If you want a limited subset, then an implementation in another editor (or a mobile app) might do.
I find that it works best when integrated with other Emacs-based workflows, like checking my email in mu4e.
As someone who's set up Gnus in the past you'll be easily able to dive back in!
Emacs is not a “Unix editor.” (GNU’s Not Unix, after all.) And it does not follow the Unix philosophy of doing one thing well. But I’ll admit that using it under Windows is not as seamless as it is under Linux and BSD.
I think in windows preview builds for win 11 you can now easily run WSL graphical applications which might work, but I don't know how easy it is with WSL to access the host operating system files.
I don't need a heavy setup for the Windows laptop that I use for business-y things and bringing to meetings.
(Back in the day I used to use Emacs and Gnus for mail and netnews, but I haven't done that in a long while.)