Whenever you estimate something bad to be inevitable like this, please consider the many terrible inevitable things in the past. Those in the past thought they were inevitable, but they weren't.
- everyday violence on a much higher level than today
- inability to correct mistakes of government in the long run (voting, free speech)
- lack of power of women
- vulnerability to many diseases
- protection of law
I think any one of these is composed of many traditions that when I think about them seem almost impossible to come about, in the same way that an evolved animal seems remarkable: how did that ever happen? They do happen! People worked hard and incrementally to make them happen.
Estimating them to be inevitable I think can be a discouragement to that hard work.
Whenever you estimate something bad to be inevitable like this, please consider the many terrible inevitable things in the past. Those in the past thought they were inevitable, but they weren't.
- everyday violence on a much higher level than today
- inability to correct mistakes of government in the long run (voting, free speech)
- lack of power of women
- vulnerability to many diseases
- protection of law
I think any one of these is composed of many traditions that when I think about them seem almost impossible to come about, in the same way that an evolved animal seems remarkable: how did that ever happen? They do happen! People worked hard and incrementally to make them happen.
Estimating them to be inevitable I think can be a discouragement to that hard work.