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Most I see are unlockable, but then I’d check first anyway.

> And even if you have a phone where that isn't true, Google's SafetyNet will prevent you from using many crucial applications, like your bank's Android app, on that handset.

There is still MagiskHide, though it often requires a bunch of trial and error to get it working. In addition, there are still banks with apps that allow you to install them on rooted devices (N26 in Germany is such a bank).

as far is i know, the main(almost only) magisk developer got hired by google this summer, so it's likely there won't be magiskhide anymore

Thanks for the info. Looks like it will indeed be dropped, [0] has some more details. I stopped using it because the whole cat-and-mouse game that is mentioned was too annoying for me as well, probably a lot worse for the dev.

[0] https://www.xda-developers.com/magisk-development-continues-...

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