So what about the population aging—there will always be people in their 20s and 30s and older single people too. Cities will still appeal to them. The point of the op is now people have a choice of which city to live in. Lots of folks will choose NYC and commuting because that’s the lifestyle they want. Lots of others will choose to live in the suburbs and have kids. The thing now is that your lifestyle doesn’t have to correspond directly to your job.
I have to assume at least a few of those folks will be New Yorkers!
For what it's worth, though ... I'm not sure Google buying a building it already leases means anything other than perhaps they are bullish NYC real estate?
There's also quite a lot of old New Yorkers still resident there, though.
Pluses of living in New York include not needing to drive, most things being close by, and generally more widespread things like elevators. Old people can become less able to drive cars over time, or climb the stairs in a suburban home, or carry an SUV's worth of groceries.