Exactly. Many people aren't choosing to still use IE6 - the choice is being made for them. I work onsite in a non-profit sometimes, and they are all still on IE6 until the IT dept decides it's safe/worth it to upgrade. (EDIT: And I do my part to convince them it is safe and worth it.)
I feel like every month or so, a big site says "Death to IE6," then people point out that it's not always an individual decision to upgrade, then someone like marijn points out the most reasonable solution. Make sure the content comes through, make sure it doesn't look completely ridiculous, and educate clients as you go. And if you're lucky, like 37signals, you can decide for your clients. We'll get there eventually.
I feel like every month or so, a big site says "Death to IE6," then people point out that it's not always an individual decision to upgrade, then someone like marijn points out the most reasonable solution. Make sure the content comes through, make sure it doesn't look completely ridiculous, and educate clients as you go. And if you're lucky, like 37signals, you can decide for your clients. We'll get there eventually.