That sounds a lot like if we just do what we have been doing for the last couple hundred years it will all work out. But we have a couple hundred years of evidence of who it works out for and who it does not.
Standards of living have increased the most at the bottom of society.
- Labourers used to work seven days a week (12 hour days), then six, now five times eight is standard, with some exceptions.
- Workplace safety have gone from a laughable concept to the first priority.
- 100% of Western populations can read and write. This used to be a rich-person thing
- How many poor kids have you seen lately with their faces covered in coal dust from the mines?
- There are thousands of other examples. Poor people today live longer and better in many important ways than rich people even a hundred years ago, never mind a "couple hundred years."
> Standards of living have increased the most at the bottom of society.
Ah yes, conflating 150 years of history like the 60's and the 2010's were comparable in a stable stream of progress.
Remember even further, when we were forced to dress in animal furs and sleep in grottos? How amazing progress we made since then... I wonder why the serfs are complaining.
Tried to do what? You claimed workplace safety was the absolute first priority when we have reams of evidence of Amazon not thinking so and they’re at least trying to do business in the US unlike Apple and others who simply move their human rights abuses offshore.