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Interesting wording of this headline, you would almost think Uber were fighting for the rights of their drivers if you read it out of context.

The headline I see is " Uber must employ its drivers, Dutch court rules".

I don't see how you can read that any other way than the Dutch court is forcing Uber to employ its drivers.

This comment was moved from a dupe that was worded differently

I was thinking a similar thought. As the word for obviously doesn't really apply here, the word over offers a nice "neutral" alternative to against.

Edit: the threads got merged now. At the time that I commented, the title was "Uber Loses Battle Over Drivers’ Rights in the Netherlands" and the link was going to Bloomberg.

Ubers whole statement is letting us think they do it for the drivers.. It's terribly obscene

but then again people remember how us-american gig-companies operate...

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