"It works for me on very specific, ancient hardware, and also don't use <software you use>" isn't a great selling point for people who just want their machine to work and aren't bought into Linux On The Desktop as a philosophical ideal. That's why people use WSL2! Popular software works, popular hardware works, you can run Linux programs from the command line without installing and managing a separate VM yourself (yes, yes, it's virtualized under the hood by the OS, but you don't need to manage the VM yourself), and now you'll be able to run Linux GUI apps too.
If you want a great Linux desktop experience, don’t buy Nvidia GPU’s.
Intel and AMD has very good open source drivers, while Nvidia has only the proprietary ones and they are known to have all kinds of issues. There is a good reason Linus Torvalds said the famous words “fuck you Nvidia”.
And major problem that still persists with WSL is the NFTS mounts in Linux. At work we can’t have decent compile times on Windows because of the file system.