Standby/Resume or hibernate? Let's roll a 12-sided dice on wakeup, "1" is for "I forget all settings about a random device and re-install the driver" and "2" is for "I gonna act like it's not even there until you plug it out and back in again". Using a different USB port today? Hope you don't mind re-configuring!
This is especially annoying for audio devices, because lots of applications - and certainly any slightly more advanced setup - require explicit configuration of audio devices and when Windows does its "it's a different thing every time I see it" temper tantrum this means you have to go back to every application and tell it again "Yeah, that OUT3-4 that doesn't exist any more? Use the OUT3-4 that does exist", because the user-visible name stays the same (it's the same hardware, after all), while the underlying ID changes for one reason or another.
This has nothing to do with vendor's drivers btw., this is simply how hotplug works in Windows' driver model.
The UI is complete garbage but siblings said enough about that dumpster fire already.