If you're not willing to spend ~20-40 hours getting an Arduino-class object to, say, talk to a MMC/SD/SDHC card using only your own code, no libraries (this is something I can do easily as a rusty hybrid EE-FW guy who is now mostly EE), then I don't know what to suggest.
Thank you for conflating "not willing" with "unable". Also on suggesting how a 20-40h project will make me appear as an expert in embedded programming.
> Also on suggesting how a 20-40h project will make me appear as an expert in embedded programming.
That was actually my real point. For many smaller companies, it will. General programming experience plus any honest signal, even small, of low-level qualification will get you attention. We get lots of generalist candidates for our embedded positions and the #1 easiest high-signal filter for us is "how do we know they're actually interested in embedded?" Pass that, and things can open up for you.
I haven't applied for a lower level dev so far, but it gives me some encouragement to maybe try next time I want to switch positions (though I did work or get offers on some embedded dev shops, but on the web side of things).
> That was actually my real point. For many smaller companies, it will.
Just an observation, but I've almost never seen job postings for entry/junior level engineers in the embedded/systems world. Only senior-staff level roles (I get the feeling that a lot of early career talent in these domains is sourced from local university pipelines). This has been my observation across both small companies and large corporations. Are these shops really considering people who's only experience is some contrived side projects at that level?
That's currently in conflict with my life circumstances ;-)
The number of "projects" I wish I could do sitting on my shelves already surpasses the time I can find to spend on them.
Basically, I want to be paid to "learn," and I think I'll be fair value in a month or two. So the question is how to get there? ;-)