> Given goals towards freedom of speech, some content won't align with you politically (and some might), but there's enough decent content that you can potentially use it as an alternative platform successfully.
I find high curation is the only way I find a service like YouTube to be usable.
There's an endless sea of content on there. It's not important that I agree with it or not, it's important if it's quality, which the overwhelming majority of it isn't.
I'm looking at the landing page of odysee now.
* Why can't Wolverine shack up with doctor strange?
* 1 minute of Luigi in a bag!!!
* Top sleep hacks
* Guess how old this Korean actress is?
I can't block these channels or show disinterest even though I made an account.
My issue isn't the politicalness, it's quality and relevance.
>I'm looking at the landing page of odysee now. [...]
I think your examples are a valid criticism, it's just that many of the alternatives are far worse (depending on your standpoint)
FWIW I would suggest looking at the home page of YouTube in incognito mode, most of the videos don't meet my quality standards either.
* TikToks that will get you in trouble
* Medical Emergencies: When Acts Go Horribly WRONG!
* Family Guy roasting every country
>I can't block these channels or show disinterest even though I made an account.
Yeah I think appropriate filtering options are vital for less curated platforms to be more usable. That's not an impossible problem to solve, but I would have expected better options by now.
>My issue isn't the politicalness, it's quality and relevance.
I think it's mainly a chicken and egg problem, there's not as much quality content as I'd prefer so there's less relevant quality content.
My biggest hope is that a certain threshold can be met where more quality content will be added and people aren't scared by the preexisting lower quality content that they don't want to be associated with.
There's definitely a need for there to be some competition to YouTube (Google et al.), but it's a pretty large hill to overcome to get there.
Of course YouTube still has a very strong hand in regards to monetization.
The prominent Linux tech blogger, Bryan Lunduke left and denounced them this summer despite having been an early adopter and supporter. He had made a complaint on how they chose to give an exclusive spotlight to a partiuclarly trashy channel and then recieved a reply from their "Cheif Marketing Officer" which was itself shamelessly vulgar and trashy and boasted that such trash is "the Odysee Brand".
Lundukes explaination for leaving seems to be only archived in his subscription/free-to-view social network lunduke.locals.com.
For worthwhile content I hold more hope for rokfin - www.rokfin.com/discover
I have no general opinion about Odysee/LBRY, except that I expect it to fair as well as every other blockchain buzzword bingo social thing and every other YouTube compete, which is to say, I expect it to never gain traction in any sizable way (I would certainly never choose it as a way to build my video audience), but if the argument against Odysee is that it is too permissive of what content it allows (and the line seems to be stuff that is maybe trashy and not like, beheadings), I have to think most of the potential users/creators see that as a good thing.
Like, if the worst thing you can say about it is that a guy that refuses to say “damn” or “shit” or “fuck,” is morally offended by some of the legal content, I’m not sure that will matter to people who are looking for a platform that won’t kick people off the platform for arbitrary reasons.
> if the worst thing you can say about it is that a guy that refuses to say “damn” or “shit” or “fuck,” is morally offended by some of the legal content
But that's not what I described. Its not the content Lunduke had an issue with, it was the marketting decision to promote it with an exclusive spotlight, and then the following unprofessional communications revealing something really dodgy about the company. Conversations about it on reddit have been removed apparently. I found Lunduke has posted an account of it on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBZjUPavvs8
I mean, again, as someone who doesn’t care about Odysee one way or another (but certainly wouldn’t use it to build an audience), I’m not sure the people that do use it because of some sense that it is less restrictive than YouTube or whatever, are going to care.
I just watched his video and then I had to go back and look at the video Odysee promoted. Is it content I like? No. I don’t find a guy in a mask yelling funny or even entertaining. The whole thing feels very juvenile in a 2003 internet kind of way. Looking at the Odysee social media accounts, I don’t like or agree with a lot of their content or politics. For the record, I don’t like Lunduke's content either.
That said, I find his outrage curious and poorly argued. Lunduke can choose to host his videos wherever he wants and can have whatever opinion he wants to have about a platform. But throwing a temper tantrum because a service he shilled for happens to promote content he doesn’t like and then the people in charge of the company won’t kowtow to his demands still strikes me as both a) hypocritical and b) a position most people who are seeking a platform that is anti-censorship won't find compelling. If you believe Odysee is shady (and I personally think most businesses with no direct revenue path other and reliant on buzzword bingo like blockchain and decentralization are inherently sketchy) now because it promotes a guy who screams about ass fucking, but you didn’t think they were shady when they were promoting your anti-vax/anti-mask rhetoric or paying you to write spon-con, I’m going to roll my eyes and discount everything you say.
I mean that's an unfunny off brand pewdiepie, but like, who cares? It's not morally reprehensible or anything, not even really particularly controversial I'd say. It's vulgar in sort of a bland way
I find high curation is the only way I find a service like YouTube to be usable.
There's an endless sea of content on there. It's not important that I agree with it or not, it's important if it's quality, which the overwhelming majority of it isn't.
I'm looking at the landing page of odysee now.
* Why can't Wolverine shack up with doctor strange?
* 1 minute of Luigi in a bag!!!
* Top sleep hacks
* Guess how old this Korean actress is?
I can't block these channels or show disinterest even though I made an account.
My issue isn't the politicalness, it's quality and relevance.