I really like them as well. I enjoy them as a digital art form.
From what I understand, Scott Turner (Here Dragons Abound) got his inspiration from Martin O'Leary[0]. Lots of interesting reading on his site.
Another one in current development but as far as I know doesn't have a devlog quite like Scott Turner's is Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator[1]. He did keep a devlog until 2018 sometime though[2].
Watabou's Medieval Fantasy Map Generator[3] is really good.
I'm sure I've seen more over the years but these are the ones I can remember.
Interestingly, I think I recognize the background tile on the page as a member (or slight modification of a member) of my favorite wallpaper package propaganda-debian. In any case, author is clearly a connoisseur of textures.
On the one hand, you are not wrong. On the other hand, the idea to use a texture like that of a pizza to modify a completely different image, like a fantasy map, might not have occurred to everyone. The value of the blog post might be rather in telling others about this idea than the actual steps how to implement it.