True in js/ts world this is a problem. Since couple of years I've been experimenting with more radical fat trimming on dependencies. It works very well on backend code. I belive shallow or no dependencies is the way to go.
What seems to be missing is standard library as constellation of well designed modules/packages. I decided to just do it for myself (and anybody who finds it interesting). I don't think it's going to fly high but if somebody is interested the link is here [0]. I'm adding modules every few days.
The aim is to have something worthwile to show around the time node v16 goes lts. I have some experience taking care of high stake business critical systems. This is fun side project as a hobby atm. Modules being dropped there are reflection of problems I'm facing during my day-to-day work.
You'll see there some non conventional code. Large parts are inspired by functional programming, ocalm and simplicitly in general. Personally I find it exciting how well this kind of approach fits into production projects.
The nice thing about this approach is that you can have niche leaf packages/modules as part of standard library (constellation) - if you don't want to use it, it doesn't matter, it wont incur any cost. For example order book module or exchange matching engine - those can simply live there, be useful to people who care and have zero impact to people who don't care at all. I find it to be an interesting difference from builtin, shipped library.
Large package ecosystem is a sign of popularity. With time libraries should converge onto shared approaches. Interestingly practice shows wide spread of duplication. I think more effort from big players with wide reach could reduce it. Ie. not me doing stuff but Microsoft or others picking up the ball.
What seems to be missing is standard library as constellation of well designed modules/packages. I decided to just do it for myself (and anybody who finds it interesting). I don't think it's going to fly high but if somebody is interested the link is here [0]. I'm adding modules every few days.
The aim is to have something worthwile to show around the time node v16 goes lts. I have some experience taking care of high stake business critical systems. This is fun side project as a hobby atm. Modules being dropped there are reflection of problems I'm facing during my day-to-day work.
You'll see there some non conventional code. Large parts are inspired by functional programming, ocalm and simplicitly in general. Personally I find it exciting how well this kind of approach fits into production projects.
The nice thing about this approach is that you can have niche leaf packages/modules as part of standard library (constellation) - if you don't want to use it, it doesn't matter, it wont incur any cost. For example order book module or exchange matching engine - those can simply live there, be useful to people who care and have zero impact to people who don't care at all. I find it to be an interesting difference from builtin, shipped library.
Large package ecosystem is a sign of popularity. With time libraries should converge onto shared approaches. Interestingly practice shows wide spread of duplication. I think more effort from big players with wide reach could reduce it. Ie. not me doing stuff but Microsoft or others picking up the ball.