Hi, maybe you can give me some advice about what to read. I'm looking for a book/video that would give me a step by step account of how early astronomers worked. How they actually took a reading, what corrections they made, and specifically how they did all their calculations. I found this video on celestial navigation really great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yu5R5mrrGB0&t=611s it walks a person step by step through navigation. Looking for something like this, but showing how a star catalogue, like the Rudolphine Table, is compiled.
* A History of Astronomy by Pannekoek
* Aristarchus of Samos by Heath (this is actually a much broader history of Greek astronomy than its title suggests)
* Episodes in the Early History of Astronomy by Aaboe
* Exploring Ancient Skies by Kelly & Milone (much more technical, but also broader and more up to date than the other books)