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I'll take your question at face value (even though you're very certainly a troll account given your post history).

It's less about "hiding" or "preventing" anything, and more about putting the user in control of sharing those things. If I tell you I like figure skating, here on an online forum, I'm making a conscious decision to share that fact about my life.

If a script completely silently figures out I like figure skating, because of websites I previously visited, that it was able to infer due to various data sharing setups (such as google analytics overprevalence etc), that is not a choice I made. It's a form of stalking.

The problem is accentuated because it's not just one hobby, it's everything. Your hobbies, your location, gender, religion, income, political affiliation, etc.

That it serves ads based on that is icky, but the problem is that it knows those things at all without me choosing to share that. And this is without even getting into "bad actor" territory.

Privacy is control over what you share with others.

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