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Really? Do you have a source for that? I’d like to read more.


> Крыло самолета (удлинения 1,74 и сужения 7, многолонжеронной конструкции) состоит из основной и отъемных частей и имеет кессонную конструкцию с силовой нагруженной обшивкой в виде фрезерованных крупногабаритных панелей вафельной конструкции из высокопрочных алюминиевых сплавов.

"The wing consists of the main, and detachable part, and has a caisson construction with load carrying honeycomb panel skin machined from high strength aluminium alloy"

So, a correction there. The wing is made of two ennormous machined parts: the main wing, and the wing extension.

I don't speak Russian, but your claim does not follow from your translation. It could still be made from numerous honeycomb, machined parts.

The Russian does in fact say the skin is made from large machined honeycomb panels (панели).

I read it as "big machined honeycomb panels made out of high strength aluminum alloys"... So no mention of the actual size of a single panel.

Крупногабаритных just means "large/big sized".

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