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I have a few of the non toxic ones. I like titanium most since it has a decent weight and doesn't make my hands smell like copper.

Some of them will oxidize and if you want to stop that you can coat them in a clear resin. I wouldn't touch lead even with the resin coating as I wouldn't trust it to not chip off.

I can hardly see lead chipping, it's much too soft for that. In general handling lead in its solid state is pretty safe. It's mostly lead dust you'd need to worry about. In any case washing your hands after handling lead is pretty much a foolproof way to be safe. It doesn't absorb through the skin.

You wouldn’t want to be handling it like a desk toy..

Probably not no, but as a display item it's absolutely fine. You're not gonna ingest lead from just touching a cube of lead every now and then.

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