Nah, it cuts like soft stainless-steel. Garden-variety bolt-cutters will go through it like butter.
To wax poetic for a little while, Ti is lightweight, strong, warms quickly to the touch but isn't cold in winter, resists abrasion, doesn't irritate, and is almost immune to corrosion. Its strength allows a lower-profile ring without collapse, too. When making rings for our wedding, I could have used any material under the sun; titanium was our choice.
A material need not be rare to have significance, so it is with love.
To wax poetic for a little while, Ti is lightweight, strong, warms quickly to the touch but isn't cold in winter, resists abrasion, doesn't irritate, and is almost immune to corrosion. Its strength allows a lower-profile ring without collapse, too. When making rings for our wedding, I could have used any material under the sun; titanium was our choice.
A material need not be rare to have significance, so it is with love.