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PayPal to add $20 inactivity fee in Canada (mobilesyrup.com)
25 points by dijereedan on Aug 26, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

I use PayPal pretty regularly, and if they ever try that shit here, I’ll drop them as a matter of principle.

That sort of behavior needs to be punished.

“Let’s try to steal some money, just keep it quiet and low-key, or they’ll catch on!” - PayPal

Typical finance industry bullshit.

As mentioned in the article, this was implemented in the UK on December 16 2020.

This article by The Guardian has some additional information that may be of interest: https://www.theguardian.com/money/2020/dec/12/paypal-introdu...

> The fee won’t be applied to those who have a zero balance, where there is a credit or debit card linked to the account. PayPal says will only take the fee from the balance and not from a linked card or a bank account.

> The company says it will warn inactive customers in advance when the fee is set to be charged.

Does anyone happen to know how far in advance the inactive customers in the UK have been/will be warned?

Can they get sued for this? Can I demand money for people not using my service ?

It’s extremely predatory and should be legally outlawed

The bottom of the article clarifies that this only applies to the balance in your account.

I'm cancelling my PayPal account right now.

Better do the archaeology needed to unlock my PayPal account and abandon ship. I hate getting punished for having old accounts


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