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The Kinect Azure outperforms the RealSense devices.

There are also devices based on the Infineon lidar, such as the pieye Nimbus 3D camera.

I just called for Kinect Azure and they told me Oct 2022 for next stock. Thanks I will have too look into the Infineon lidar. I'm guessing Velabit is a chipageddon story as well.

Sorry to hear about the Kinect delay. The device works very well in my experience.

also very very expensive.

$400 USD is 'very very expensive' ?

For a business no, for a hobby yes.

It costs the about same as the Intel Realsense L515 though.

Does the Kinect 2 still outperform the Azure Kinect at body tracking?


There are also ToF cameras from Basler, we have their early model, and it works reasonably well, though hot and rather power-hungry. Based on that experience, their current models look promising: https://www.baslerweb.com/en/products/cameras/3d-cameras/

I've worked with these (Azure Kinect), and they are quite nice, but they are much bigger and heavier and require a lot more power.

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