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> I also suspect that in many cases, given a list of IDs you can get reasonable results by doing just ID % . In this case, you can get away without applying a hashing transformation. With your trick, you do need this.

Reverse the bits before applying the trick.

Yes, although the trick is used in the first place in order to replace a 6-cycle division by a 1-cycle multiplication (on x86_64, assuming no CPU stalls). Roughly, in order to still make it a net positive, we have a 4-cycles budget for additional operations. That's very tight for reversing the bits of a uint32_t.

> used in the first place in order to replace a 6-cycle division by a 1-cycle multiplication

Look a generation or two back and you'll see that the division is a LOT slower than 6 cycles, too.

But it should be noted that if the modulus is a compile time constant the compiler will turn the % into a multiply and add.

The riscv bitmanip instruction set has permutes that can reverse the bits in a word (along with other useful permutations). ... still doesn't exist in an actual asic yet. Maybe some time in my life we'll get it on common platforms.

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