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This has come up before, with no resolution. Someone who has been harmed by this needs to sue Google; Google as an organization simply won’t care unless and until there is a monetary and PR cost. Even then it may take multiple suits brought by multiple people.

You might need multiple people sue as a group. In this case it’s kinda lucky that on of the misidentified people is a pastor. She’s the one who needs to sue Google. OP in this case should do nothing, it’s terrible advise, but she isn’t actually harmed, she’s just a good person that doesn’t want to see other people harmed.

Help the pastor sue Google, she’s less likely to be tempted by a large amount of money and settle out of court.

OP has been harmed too. It's her book and she was a victim, she wasted her time and efforts dealing with the black box of Google. It probably hurts her reputation and she was clearly desperate enough to post on a random tech forum about it...sad.

I kind of hope this is the outcome, and that they let us know so we can have the opportunity to donate to help pay legal costs. This kind of thing is a nightmare.

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