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You claim electron apps can be fast but don’t give examples. Native apps are fast and there are many examples.

I have yet to use a fast electron app that didn’t hog ram.

Yep. I’m not familiar with a lot of great web apps anymore. The web has gotten really lazy, these days.

To the extent you understand the tech, though, you understand the problem was never the platform but really the hands it resides in. Nobody thinks its worth the extra work required to heavily optimize a web application.

One needn’t exist for me to be right, as unsatisfying as that may be to a group of folks unfamiliar with frontend perf on the web platform.

Anything is possible. No one here is arguing it’s absolutely impossible for an electron app to be fast. But as you said the amount of work it would take is simply not worth it… with a lot less effort you could make a much more performant native app, so it’s never gonna happen.

You’re being pedantic and are upset that you’re being called out.

Hardly. I think it’s extremely worth the investment to make performant web applications. It’s the true vision of write once run everywhere. That a lot of naive leadership teams don’t understand or care to invest in that is a mistake - or perhaps a forced hand due to the lockout of web apps from the phone app ecosystem - not a demonstration of infallible analysis on the utility of the web platform.

The problem is not Electron. It’s far bigger than Electron. I realize this is a take that requires knowledge of the web platform and industry, however, and as such may simply be lost on folks without that context.

You’re being hard headed and am upset I don’t agree with you. Hope that helps

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