Another huge problem is that companies are handling out IPv6 by bulks of /128 subnets per machine, and many experts encourage “one IP per service on the machine”, adding “it’s good for security since it’s harder to scan all ports of all subnet IPs. So at that pace, I still wonder how IPv6 will not run out of IP as quickly as IPv4.
We have less than 8 billion people on the world which corresponds to about 2^33. Let's assume that (given that we already have issues with sustainability) we will have much bigger issues than IP addresses if we ever reach more than 128 times that. So we are at less than 2^40. (Realistically I would expect much less, but let's be safe)
Than the question is how many addresses everyone needs. Currently we assign subnets. Let's provide everyone with 1024 subnets for client devices and an additional 1024 servers each with their own subnets. So 2^11 subnets each.
So we end up requiring 2^51 subnets, while we have 2^64 available, thereby only using less than 0.013% which provides plenty of room to reconsider if any of these approximations turn out to be wrong.
Even if you reduce it down to /48 subnets you have 281,474,976,710,656 of these, ~65k times more than the entire IPv4 space, your usual assignment to a machine is a /64 which are about 4.2 billion times the amount of the IPv4 address space, about 18 quintillion.
Thats enough addresses to give every one of the 8 billion humans on this planet, two billion /64 subnets. Which I'd say should be enough for the moment.
Last week I was thinking about a system to automatically cut my hair the way I exactly want (precision up to the millimeter and per hair).
So, one way would be by using cheap microrobots*.
On average we have around 100K hairs on our heads. Let’s say you buy 100K microrobots to cut your hair. Each of these microrobots could have their own ipv6 (because, why not) so that you can control them via your phone. So, suddenly you have there one person using 100K ipv6 addresses.
So, whenever people say “ipv6 should be enough for now”, I always think “well, it depends on how they are used!”
There are 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 IPV6 addresses.
With a global population of 8 billion, you can give every individual ~ 42,535,295,865,120,000,000,000,000,000 addresses and then some.
One IP per server should be the norm.