Sounds like a great idea! I think access to services is a huge problem so having something like this might help in the interim/ for low intensity purposes. It can be really difficult to leave the house/make appointments and iCBT as part of IAPT in the UK seems to be successful. Whereas I agree with some of the other comments that time away from screens and being outdoors might be more helpful – listing gratitudes as suggested in your app has also been shown to improve mental health.
We probably all know we should get out more/ go to the gym to make ourselves feel better, but doing it isn’t always easy. Having an app might be an easier way or at least a starting point to feeling better. Journaling in morning or eve to set goals/ intentions for the day could be a neat feature for it too.
Germany's health insurances also pay for similar products (e.g. selfapy) and I've heard good things. They include CBT style homework and journaling - but are limited to 6 weeks (i think?) and offer a weekly check in with an assistant psychologist - have you considered adding check ins? I’m also not quite clear on whether its aimed at any “diagnosis” in particular (anxiety/depression) or general low intensity work?
Thanks for your comment Lisa. We do do daily checkins within Iona, but we're always looking for ways to improve the app, and the idea of doing morning and evening checkins to set goals / intentions is definitely an interesting one.
We have an "anxiety" and "low mood" track within the app at present, but we're mostly aimed at general mild to moderate usage where we feel such apps can be most effective.
We've heard about Germany and it's usage of apps, it's certainly a country which very advanced in this area. Using the app to improve adherence between in-person appointments is also a great use-case.
Germany's health insurances also pay for similar products (e.g. selfapy) and I've heard good things. They include CBT style homework and journaling - but are limited to 6 weeks (i think?) and offer a weekly check in with an assistant psychologist - have you considered adding check ins? I’m also not quite clear on whether its aimed at any “diagnosis” in particular (anxiety/depression) or general low intensity work?
Best of luck!