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>This is effectively a virus scanner. Files are hashed (in a fancy way), compared against known hashes, and matches are reported

yeah with the small difference that the virus scanner reports to you, whereas this scanner reports to Apple or authorities.

The virus scanner's purpose is to alert you of viruses on your machine, the purpose of apple's scanner is to engage in blanket surveillance and treat ordinary users like potential consumers of CSAM by default.

Nothing about this is privacy preserving. Privacy would be preserved if Apple refrains from touching any of the information that belong to me and doesn't treat their customers like potential criminals. Imagine you rent parking space for your car and at random intervals, with no reason at all, nothing suspicious has ever happened, the owner comes up, opens your trunk, and rummages through it to check for child porn. That's what Apple is doing.

Since when has renting storage space ever entitled anyone to check what the customer puts in the storage? Do you expect the bank clerk to crawl through your personal safe deposit box as well to prevent crime?

>yeah with the small difference that the virus scanner reports to you

Important to note that in case of the Win 10 Defender and its default settings, executables, and hashes of other files are uploaded to Microsoft automatically.

Much less worse than a csam false positive reporting someone to the authorities, but not really "reporting to you" either.

If Microsoft were explicit that they were trying to look at your personal files and were then going to send the police to your house based on what the hashes were, that would be a big issue to.

I hope so!

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