If truly everyone is doing it and you don't have any other option (which is just preposterous, there's an ever increasing number of choices out there) then maybe you're just not the target audience anymore.
Businesses aren't stupid, if a decision were to actively lose them more customers than it'd gain, they wouldn't do it. If every single business and OSS alternative suddenly switched to Electron and you had no other choice, then maybe it's you that is wrong about the value of Electron.
But, of course, that's a ridiculous hypothetical not really grounded in reality. In the real world, plenty of alternatives exist for practically every Electron app out there so if you don't want to use it, you don't have to.
And for every one of you, there's hundreds of people that think their Electron apps are fine and appreciate that they can use the exact same interface regardless of which computer they're using.
> then maybe you're just not the target audience anymore.
i see you're moving the goal post
once you have a monopoly you can do whatever you want, thus why everyone keeps talking about EEE. look at what apple is doing now with photoscanning. What they are doing is inherently bad but they are able ignore everyone and go ahead with it because their "target audience" doesn't care about this kinda stuff. Doesn't mean the rest of us shouldn't actively fight against it. your argument basically boils down to let the market and customers decide for itself. Over here there are some of us trying to tell people to not support electron because of the potential consequences, and the downward trend of the web as we see it.
> In the real world, plenty of alternatives exist for practically every Electron app out there so if you don't want to use it, you don't have to.
There's choice with password managers. But look at music. You have Deezer and Spotify. The only two free services that I'm aware of that only have Electron apps on desktop. (YT Music doesn't have an app on desktop). Spotify has exclusive content. You don't have choice when apps are the same as services. Hate the Hulu interface? You can't watch The Handmaid's Tale on Netflix. It's that kind of thing.
Businesses aren't stupid, if a decision were to actively lose them more customers than it'd gain, they wouldn't do it. If every single business and OSS alternative suddenly switched to Electron and you had no other choice, then maybe it's you that is wrong about the value of Electron.
But, of course, that's a ridiculous hypothetical not really grounded in reality. In the real world, plenty of alternatives exist for practically every Electron app out there so if you don't want to use it, you don't have to.
And for every one of you, there's hundreds of people that think their Electron apps are fine and appreciate that they can use the exact same interface regardless of which computer they're using.