As a League of Legends player, it's very common. Virtually everyone that I know that plays this game has some sort of overlay(LolWiz, Porofessor,, etc.) that provides unimaginable level of detail about the enemy team and my team before the game even begins. I can find out what the enemy players like to do("invade", or initiate cheese fights early), roam to other lanes in the map, and more. I know what their winrate on their champion is, how many kills on average they get before 10 minutes, whether they don't ward(a crucial component of the game that opens them up to ganks if not done correctly), and who they may be connected to voice call with. If anything, it seems like's tool isn't doing enough.
Well, this is what I was referring to by an arms race if these kinds of tools are allowed. It’s a considerable disadvantage to not use them, so everyone is basically forced into using them.
In my opinion for non-professional play (casual and ranked), these kinds of tools should be outright banned. The game goes from “how can I improve myself and play better” to “let’s expend the minimum effort possible solely to win”. You’re not playing to your strengths but just to the opponent’s weaknesses from the get-go. That’s just incredibly boring. Just because one can have a shortcut to a win doesn’t make for better or more interesting gameplay.
Regarding professional play, the teams have the resources to do this given the limited player pool and they’re also at the pro level anyways.
That's certainly right. We don't provide any suggestion based on private data. For example, gamers cannot see the tags of an opponent if the opponent opted out to be private.
At least when I played, dota2 wasn’t like this (and it’s a better game, anyways ;-))
Realistically speaking this kind of stuff doesn’t really matter at a lower level anyways- everyone’s bad and makes dumb mistakes. And it doesn’t help to know about data if you don’t know how to capitalize on it.
I can’t recommend getting into MOBAs/ARTSs solo, but if you have 2-3 friends they’re quite a blast.
To be fair giving this info is not helpful if you're bad at the game itself. I've tried using it but I'm still only top 65%. Once you get to the level below pro players, there's so few people that you remember everybody's usernames or remember who plays on tuesday nights and will remember their playstyle / champions to ban.
Couldn't you look yourself up and adjust your playstyle accordingly? Like "oh, these guys will be expecting me to do X, but now I'm going to do Y instead to throw them off".
From my experience it's most useful for getting information on clear outliers. The ranking system might rank a very good player with terrible players until the ranking settles in. A few players are "boosted" by other players to reach higher ranks. In such situations it might be useful as you know that specific opponent on the other team is the one to watch out for or who to focus.
There is a lot of summary stats available, but the most useful one from personal experience is the win ratio. If the data tells you that one player on the other team wins 70 % of the games, then that's usually a clear indicator that the ranking of that player is most likely lower than it should be.
It might just be a better or worse player overall, so adapting to it might not be possible, except for knowing who to put pressure on.