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I somewhat suspect that WordPad is the only MS application that actually follows all the MS recommendations about usage of Win32 API and Windows HIG/UX.

It's written in MFC, and the sourcecode is on github (https://github.com/microsoft/VCSamples/tree/master/VC2010Sam...)

Going a bit on the side track over here, due to MFC being mentioned.

Given the current state of C++/WinRT tooling, even the aging MFC is more productive for Windows applications.

It doesn't matter it isn't modern C++, is full of CWhaterver, it is still more than good enough for those use cases where .NET isn't an option for whatever reason and C++ must be used.

"The WordPad sample demonstrates how to implement an application that imitates the functionality of WordPad, including the user interface elements and some of the capabilities." per the readme

Ah! thanks for clarifying

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