So you're telling me that the next GitHub outage could take out my dev environment and give me an afternoon off? Time to convince management that we need to switch to Codespaces!
You say “though” as if it absolves them. If they break basic requirements of a Git host like fetch and push while working on this extra feature that’s on them.
There are different risks, but there is not necessarily more risk. Does Codespaces have lower or higher than the availability risks of your current environment?
I’ve had corporate laptops get BSOD’d because a sysadmin pushed a bad GPO rule that worked fine on 99% of their clients but butchered the developer laptops.
Another fun one was when an org was rolling out CarbonBlack on all endpoints and decided to block all Java. Because apparently Java in the web browser is a security threat. They blocked 30 devs Java runtimes as a result. So there was an entire afternoon wasted for those guys.
To a corporation the risks of GitHub being down might be ok. Plus this will drastically increase on boarding devs to an existing project.
If you've never had these issues, this product is probably not for you.
The question is, how much time do you spend on dev environment issues per year?
When I was at one of the FAANGs, our dev enviroment took about 1hr to install, and you had to redo it everytime you switched platform / version (about every week).
We spent ~50 hours per year managing our local dev enviroment. probably more in reality.
> The question is, how much time do you spend on dev environment issues per year?
Definitely not little. But at the same time, I usually learn a lot about how stuff works during that. Which I like to think makes me better at helping other people debug weird shit.
In the context of my comment of having a free afternoon off - having my local environment messed up means that I'll need to spend my afternoon fixing it instead, whereas having Codespaces go down is essentially an announcement to the entire engineering team to go take the afternoon off as there's nothing we can do