> "Where kubeadm created a headache for Raspberry Pi, K3s made things simple with an easy boostrap, low resource requirements and a single binary for distribution and updates."
I'm curious what the headache was. K8S has shipped arm kubeadm and kubelet bins for quite a while.
I also don't understand how k3s, microkube and others claim to be "lightweight". Lightweight compared to what? Certainly not upstream kubeadm which is as lightweight a bootstrap as you can get.
> "Given how much I'd liked the Docker experience of "docker swarm init" and "docker swarm join", I decided to re-create a similar experience for K3s in the k3sup tool"
K3s for example is more lightweight than upstream kubeadm because it compiles all the required components into a single binary. That also leads to considerably less operational complexity.
kubeadm dosen't include ANY components such as kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager, kube-scheduler, kube-proxy or etcd.
These components are all containerized already from upstream. Pulled and cached when you run "kubeadm init" via static pod manifests.
It seems trying to bundle these inside a non-upstream bootstrapper and running them out-of-band from kubernetes is what would add complexity and bloat.
I think you might be missing the point. You are correct, kubeadm doesn't include any components in that sense and runs them in containers. The issue with this is that there's a lot of overheads for each service that Kubernetes runs, causing Kubernetes as a whole to have a bigger memory footprint. K3s on the other hand combines all the necessary services and runs them in a single binary, which allows for a reduced memory footprint with very little lost in functionality. I don't know what all was involved when this was done but that is the gist of it.
I'm curious what the headache was. K8S has shipped arm kubeadm and kubelet bins for quite a while.
I also don't understand how k3s, microkube and others claim to be "lightweight". Lightweight compared to what? Certainly not upstream kubeadm which is as lightweight a bootstrap as you can get.
> "Given how much I'd liked the Docker experience of "docker swarm init" and "docker swarm join", I decided to re-create a similar experience for K3s in the k3sup tool"
"kubeadm init" and "kubeadm join"