It depends on your experience. For me it didn't require much time at all. You might also consider it a valuable learning experience so worth making the time. I would highly recommend being on top of your own home network as you really never know when networking skills will come in handy.
I have some ops experience but that was 20 years ago. Nowadays if I need to do something like that I have to do a bunch of research and spend a lot of time on it. Which I would prefer spending, for example, with my son teaching him programming.
I can sympathize with people that don't have technical background -- these are practically defenseless.
I'm willing to invest time once to get something better working. I'm not willing to invest time on an on-going basis to keep my router secure. My normal router is a !@#$%, but the company does push out security updates.
Most of the DIY projects I've seen require me to do it manually.