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I sure want to get my stuff done, but not to the cost of loosing control on what software I should use, in what format , etc.

I would suggest my mother to buy Apple products, either phone or laptop, and maybe also to my sister if she does a lot of photo or video editing. But for developpers, what can't you do with Linux?

It takes only a day or so of saved time over 2 years to justify the increased cost of buying a Mac for me. It pays for itself numerous times over by not having to fuss about with sound/video drivers, printers just working when I'm on a client site, etc.

I'm not sure what you're getting about about losing control, formats, etc. I use Pixelmator for image manipulation (even after all these years, Gimp just doesn't cut it), Inkscape for vector illustration, vim for code, Spotify for music. Apple haven't curbed my ability to do anything based on that list.

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