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JustHackIt - Post your idea and find people to start building it with (justhackit.com)
59 points by gasull on Aug 20, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 25 comments

Breck, commendations for taking the initiative. As someone who is looking for a good hacker to team up with on an iPhone (+ server side) project, I have a few observations:

1) Although being too secretive about a project isn't usually a good thing, I don't really want to plaster my idea on a site, either.

2) I think another (more controversial) approach to solving the 'co-founder problem' would be to create a database of users populated with answers to questions similar to the YC application form. So, one could filter based on interest level, availability, proximity, etc. Real names would be optional (news.yc user names could be used instead). Think YCombinator meets LinkedIn.

The more I write about 2), the more I like it. If I weren't working on another project, I'd implement this myself. In any case, contact me if you want more ideas (see my profile).

Thanks. Of course SlinkSet did all the heavy lifting.

2 is actually a very interesting idea. I know that among my friends some are interested in different types of startups(music, video, commerce, social networking, etc.). Finding people who want to start a company in the same space would probably be helpful.

I'm surprised by the response to JustHackIt. Already, in 1 hour the site's gotten over 400 unique visitors. Mostly from HN but also coming from Reddit now too.

I don't think JustHackIt will take off, but I do think that if a version of this idea was integrated into HN it could help a lot of people. I'm sure the rockstars here don't need this, but the average startup-rookie on this site could find it helpful.

Thanks for using slinkset for this. Yet another creative application of our service. We would really love to help get JustHackIt to take off for you. Please feel free to contact me if you have any thoughts or ideas.

BTW it's cool, but how do you make money from slinkset?

Very cool use of SlinkSet.

I guess a further elaboration on the whole YC meets LinkedIn/matchmaker concept would be that it places the people (and their 'compatibility') ahead of the startup idea, which is also what VCs and YC (I think) place priority on.

I don't think JustHackIt will take off

Why? Why don't you make JustHackIt your startup, or at least your muse? With some Google ads it could be, at least, self-sustainable.

Are you looking for a cofounder ;-)

You might want to borrow some ideas from speed geeking: http://facilitation.aspirationtech.org/index.php/Facilitatio...

This is cool. Except:

1) Why have a separate search field for 'city' and a pull down for geography? I didn't even see the geography pull down the first time I visited.

2) Signing in to search the site is kind of lame. This encourages people to create an incomplete profile just to try things out. Which leads to ....

3) They don't force you to fill in a complete set of data. This is not the end of the world, but as someone looking for a co-founder, I would most likely skip over incomplete profiles. Perhaps this consequence could be explained as the user fills out their profile.

Edit: First impressions are not great, but now that I've logged into the site, I'm impressed. I still think their questions could benefit from a bit of lateral thinking.

Instead of listing job skills, why not have the user answer more personal questions (like, 'why are you a software animal'? or 'What have you built that you are really proud of?') A list of skills does not provide enough insight.

So more like a dating/matchmaking site?

If potential startup succes is judged substantially by the quality of teams, and this is very much dependent on the quality of a team's interaction, empathy and collective intelligence, then having automated recommendations on potential cofounders would be valuable. Even YouNoodle could use its startup data to recommend people on the site it predicts would lead to a quality team and hence a probable quality startup.

If you're going to go with that analogy, what people seem to say is that startups are like a marriage. So a 'matchmaking' service might work out ok, but you won't really know it for a few years.

There's still a problem that no one's figured out matchmaking properly yet. At least not online.

Offline the two main methods are:

- friend set-ups/ Family

- Dating (I think this is what this site does)

Not necessarily. If YC can get its founders to develop a good proto in 10 weeks, why not set an equivalent time frame with your co-founder?

Because human relationships are more complex than code?

Edit: I guess if you just want to do a project to see how things work out with someone, that could be a smart way of getting started; I just wouldn't place much pressure or importance on the project.

Yeah, pretty much.

Location would be important too. You might want to start your startup with someone who lives in the same urban area, at least in the beginning.

BTW, Breck didn't write this post. It was me.


LinkedIn for Mac hackers

Too specific -> I don't want to got to n sites for n different specialties.

Cool idea + site. However, I think too much importance is placed on finding co-founders sometimes. There are a lot of good points about working alone. Obviously lots of bad ones as well, but it's certainly doable if you are determined enough.

I've just created a similar site, cofounding.slinkset.com, the idea is similar, except its focus is on people who have already started creating or are nearly complete with their startup and want to share, get feedback, or join up with other people in a joint venture.

It's private so please send me an email (on my yhacker profile).

What's wrong with the comment view on that site? Several articles say there are N comments yet clicking on the N comments link almost always takes me to a page with <N comments. Often the page is blank except for the original post?

There is also a ton of wasted whitespace in the middle of the screen on those pages.

That's odd. Would you mind letting me know what browser/OS you are using? You can email me at brett (a-t) slinkset.com

Here's the info from the browser's about box:

  Version  9.51
  Build    4886
  Platform Mac OS X
  System   10.5.4
  Java     Java Runtime Environment installed

  Browser identification

  Opera/9.51 (Macintosh; PPC Mac OS X; U; en)
Here are some screenshots showing the issue:

First Page - http://i490.photobucket.com/albums/rr266/justhackit/P1.png

After clicking on a link showing 2 comments - http://i490.photobucket.com/albums/rr266/justhackit/P2.png

Second page zoomed to 50% to show the whole page - http://i490.photobucket.com/albums/rr266/justhackit/P3.png

Awesome. Thank you.

I have been saying we should do something like this on hackernews for a long time. This is a great idea, I hope people really start using it!

And let me get my obligatory YC08 mention in...way to go slinkset on your 3rd consecutive week with a site on hackernews. Keep pumping them out.

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