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usesthis.com is such a guilty pleasure.

I pour over every detail of their articles while at the same time reminding myself "it's not about the tools, it's about the person".

This is the programmers' version of the celebrity clothing/bags pages with the latest trends : )

At the end of the day, use what makes you happy not because a programmer rock-star is using it.

Disclaimer: I love apple products developing on the .NET framework, it may be ironic that up until last week I was running win7 on a macbook pro to develop for WP7 :)

A little, but not really. I've learned about a number of really useful tools that I use every day now from usethis articles. Clothing is just clothing after all, but tools make my life easier and help me become a better programmer.

Or; it's about the person who has the ability to pick the kind of tools that amplify said person.

Hooray, you get it!

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