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Regarding typing on the iPad, a thumbs layout keyboard as previewed in this Windows 8 video would be great - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-13628154 (skip to 00:40). Is there anything like this for iPad now?

A split keyboard is coming in iOS5 IIRC.

i tried swiftkeyx on my android tablet, with its split layout. couldn't stand it and went back to a full-width layout very quickly.

The split layouts are meant for when you're holding the tablet. If you've got it on a table or such, you're going to find a traditional layout much more usable. SwiftKey has a toggle button for split/solid on the main keyboard because of this.

OH dear god. Split thumb-keyboard is horrible. Why would I want to make the keyboard any smaller? I used it once on the iPad and that was enough. Ever again.

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