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Eclipse is fine once you have the memory configured right and you turn off all the dumb validations and unnecessary checking.

This is absolutely the best answer here.

I hated Vim.. until I got 12GB of RAM. Now it's just another tool.

Bonus points: Install Vrapper (http://vrapper.sourceforge.net/home/) and get Vim keybindings. I also change the theme to get a black background and Inconsolata font.

And once you configure your own keyboard shortcuts and commit them to muscle memory. I have set

  ctrl+] - select to the end of line
  ctrl+[ - select to beginning of line
  ctrl+d - cut current line
  ctrl+k - duplicate current line below
  ctrl+; - jump to beginning of line
  ctrl+' - jump to end of line
  ctrl+tab - switch perspective between debug and editor [1]
  ctrl+i - focus on console [2]
  ctrl+f - toggle find/replace bar 
About the last shortcut; I highly recommend you get a modern find feature and not the window popup eclipse ships with - http://sandipchitale.blogspot.com/2011/04/eclipse-findreplac... -

[1] For me this is pydev, for you could be the Android SDK ide.

[2] I have a pydev python repl running in eclipse for simple checks. Using ctrl+i to focus on this console is really nice.

Bonus if you customize your theme. Mine is a white text on black.

Can you elaborate on that? I'm an eclipse newbie and using it for Android work feels like swimming in molasses.

This was posted a while back, but I don't know if it's as good as you can get it. I tried some of the tricks and found Eclipse still occasionally slow and buggy.


Honestly, that is the saddest thing I've ever heard. That's some disable-TSRs-and-fiddle-with-highmem level sad.

Are there any standard tutorials on what to turn on/off? I tried eclipse and found it so damn slow and buggy I never returned - that was a while ago - maybe it's better now...

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