Between years of getting stuck in a perpetual loop of thinking "if I make money now I can make games later" and 2020 being the worst fucking year ever (as I'm sure it was for a lot of people); I decided just to take a year and spend it doing what I actually wanted to do.
So I made the mobile game I wish I had access to in 2020, because ironically enough, I spent a lot of 2020 away from my home pc.
The core loop is still pretty simple: craft, loot, fight. I want to make sure I get that to a point that feels really good before adding more to the colony building aspects.
The game is restricted to certain regions on Google Play so if you're on an Android phone and would like to try it out send me an email with your Google Play email and I can add you to the tester list
Probably not going to reach my target audience here, but I greatly appreciate any and all feedback from you all!
The core loop is still pretty simple: craft, loot, fight. I want to make sure I get that to a point that feels really good before adding more to the colony building aspects.
The game is restricted to certain regions on Google Play so if you're on an Android phone and would like to try it out send me an email with your Google Play email and I can add you to the tester list
Probably not going to reach my target audience here, but I greatly appreciate any and all feedback from you all!