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Launch HN: Tavus (YC S21) – AI-generated personalized videos for sales outreach
57 points by rishabhdhar on Aug 2, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 73 comments
Hi HN - Hassaan, Quinn & Rishabh here and we're the founders of Tavus (https://tavus.io/). We generate personalized videos that realistically imitate your gestures and voice. See a short demo at https://video.tavus.io/video?id=2302 and play with it at https://tavus.io/playground/.

Companies like Loom and Vidyard have proven the value of personalized videos for sales, onboarding, marketing, and more. The problem is the time it takes to create a video for each prospect. We make it scalable by generating thousands of personalized videos of you in the time it would take to record one. Our users get the benefits of personalized videos, like large increases in open and reply rates, without having to invest all that time.

We struggled with LinkedIn outreach and email marketing at every company we all worked at. It took too many emails and felt spammy. The best responses we got were from emails that we wrote specifically for clients we were particularly interested in. We then tried our hand at video marketing, with generic videos sent to each lead over LinkedIn, which ultimately performed much better than any traditional campaigns we ran.

What if we personalized the videos like we personalize emails at scale? We decided to test that, and the results were incredible. People loved the fact that we sent natural videos with our own voices and faces, and we achieved massive increases in demos booked (250% spike). The sales industry is seeing this shift towards more individualized video content as well; companies like Loom are growing rapidly and seeing validating results such as 4x meetings booked. We also found that these videos perform well outside of sales and marketing, specifically in recruiting, onboarding, and customer success.

To get started with Tavus, users train an AI model with their voice and face, by submitting a 15 minute video recording. Next they set up a base video template(s) that includes the pitch that they will be giving in the video, along with the associated branded landing page and video background. Once that is set up, videos can be generated at the click of a button. One-off videos can be generated in the Tavus portal, or a CSV can be uploaded to process videos in bulk. Videos can also be generated programmatically through the Tavus API. Each video is automatically personalized in the user’s voice for each unique prospect, and can even automatically generate unique backgrounds, such as a prospects LinkedIn profile or website.

People don’t notice imperfections if the content is interesting to them, and unless you are specifically looking for artifacts, Tavus videos are practically indiscernible from a manually recorded video. Therefore our focus is not on generating the most advanced voice-cloning or lip syncing—plenty of great researchers can do that way better than we ever could. Instead it is to provide many immersive personalization options that cater to the customers' leads. A recruiting company can use video outreach very differently than a sales company, and so on. Our core effort is supporting each of those use cases in depth.

Also, people don’t trust videos that have professional green-screen backgrounds, perfect lighting and a voice actor recording for you. They want to see you, see that you are real, they want to hear your voice. In our experience, slight imperfections in your video can actually lead to better outcomes as long as you get the content right, as they make for a more engaging experience. The point is not to fool people into thinking that a recording is fully ‘natural’ but to provide them an immersive experience that is personally relevant to them.

Our revenue is generated from a subscription model. These subscriptions typically include things like video strategy consulting, branded landing pages, and a quota of videos that can be generated per month,

We would love to get your feedback on Tavus, and in particular, hear any ideas you have! We’re super excited about this product, and we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us :) Thank you!

I think this feels very manipulative. I don't really buy that the authors have general ambitions and aren't just interested in making bank in sales, because that's exactly what they say they're going to do in the video. I see a couple notes about video game characters talking to you directly... This tech is not the reason that problem is difficult but whatever.

The thing the urks me about this is not so much the ML, but... who actually wants personalized video ads? I think it is very uncomfortable for people you don't know to say your name like they know a lot about you. This would be be awful to me even it were paid actors, costs be damned. This gives the privacy problem a human face and, imo, makes it much more discomforting. What kind of marketing context makes it feel appropriate to send a personalized video message that will be warmly received but also cost prohibitive to actually make one?

Not familiar with Loom or Vidyard, but really this whole premise seems really creepy, neural nets or otherwise. It smells like the the ads that proclaim HOT SINGLES WANT TO CHAT TO BOYS IN {your age range} in {your town}.

I have received video pitches like this, as cold emails in my inbox, from people I don't know, with a thumbnail to a video that I just had to click to see wtf was going on. The guy in the video said my name and where I work while giving his pitch for some random product irrelevant to my life or my work.

It was completely unnerving and creepy af.

The fact that this startup wants to automate this creepy invasive behavior tells me that the founders need to do some serious soul-searching about why they want to create the world they're working to create.

Why? $$$.

Totally understand your viewpoint. The reality is though that sales is really just one use case and definitely not my (our) favorite. Our focus is more on product experiences and that's where most of our efforts are going towards now.

The video doesn't have to be personalized to your name or contextual information about you specifically, although that is the most exciting prospect for most people. It could be a topic you're interested in being visualized.

We're working with an e-learning company for example to help instructors create their courses more easily in their own voice. To me that's a more exciting use case. If you're interested to learn more about how our roadmap is focusing on use cases such as this feel free to reach out.

This is about as manipulative as it gets. What's the angle other than "haha we tricked you into thinking we were actually personally invested in this pitch"?

Right in your description you say:

> [People] want to see you, see that you are real, they want to hear your voice.

Yet that's exactly what this product takes away.

I've been tricked in the past by a very convincing "personalized" recruiting email that I later realized was auto-generated. It gave me an incredibly negative impression of the company and the product, and I've told the story to a lot of people and never met anyone that likes the idea.

So the only way for this company to succeed is if their videos are so good that the targets never realize they're fake. I'm no entrepreneur, but it doesn't seem ideal if your business model is literally based on lies.

Not to mention, if the technology is that good, then it will be trivial to abuse this for corporate espionage, phishing, blackmail, slander, etc. Sure, if they don't do it, someone else will, but that's never been a valid excuse.

Oof sorry to hear you had that experience. Not everyone wants generated content and that totally makes sense.

To us this is the next evolution to something like MailChimp or as another commenter mentioned- handwriting style fonts in marketing material.

As for abuse- we are heavily focused on making sure our platform is not abused. There are multiple checks in place to make sure only you can generate videos with your voice/face.

I mean, fake realistic handwriting fonts are universally hated, otherwise you'd see people using them for wedding thank you notes or other legitimate purposes. I've only seen them used in extended car warranty scams and similar.

And I'm sure you've thought about the abuse potential and you're doing what you can, but what's going to happen when accounts get hacked? Companies already have to train their employees to be wary of emails impersonating their CEO ("please wire me $10,000 immediately for a high profile account"), and it's going to be much harder to train everyone to mistrust video or even live video calls if Tavus works quickly. I guess it's inevitable, but again, you don't have to be the ones to bring that future to life.

These are all good points. Do you see use cases that you’d personally find useful?

For example we’re working with a telehealth company to provide weekly/monthly health updates that they otherwise would send through emails and people would ignore.

I’m personally more interested in these product use cases than sales/marketing. This is also why we require set templates that limit what you can change.

We are also working on the flip side of this problem. In addition to building this platform Tavus is also building detection tools as we continue to explore what disclosure should be required on these videos. I know in that sense we’re both fire fighters and seem like we’re arsonist. However we’re really focused on providing a tool that builds immersive experiences while also fighting bad actors from other platforms that precede us/will come after us.

Nothing I'd personally find useful, but that's not the issue, I understand not every product is for me.

Maybe it would help if you included testimonials from people consuming the videos, rather than just producers. At the moment I genuinely can't imagine anyone feeling anything but misled and disappointed upon discovering their "personalized" message was actually auto-generated, but if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. If you have feedback from viewers of your videos (not just sales people seeing demos, actual end recipients) that understand how they were made and still like them, I think that would help demonstrate some positive value.

Edit: Maybe language learning? I wonder if hearing myself speaking a new language would help me learn it.

This is a fantastic suggestion. Providing the end consumer perspective is definitely something we can do- we'll work on adding that to our website.

Language learning is a super cool use case! We're working on other languages atm

Totally understand this perspective. The end goal is to provide more immersive product experiences beyond just sales. Use cases that wouldn’t be able to have a personal touch at all because of the scalability issue of making individual videos.

Sales unfortunately does have unsavory aspects to it that we at HN especially dislike

Are maketing fliers allowed to use fonts that look scuffy--like from an old typesetting machine--even if they were put together on a computer?

Maketing materials are always in an arms race, a new graphic design trend comes out that takes a lot of work and becomes a quality/investment signal, then people figure out how to automate it and it suddenly looks passe.

Totally agree. The thought is that this is the next evolution of mailmerge. A different way to consume the same content!

You are leaking all the generated video thanks to consecutive ids. However it allowed me to browse through what was generated and it make for a stronger sales pitch / give a better idea of how this can be used. The internet marketing for law firm video pitch work well, and if you could customise the content of the video (like dashboard url) they will be even more powerful.

What is less clear from your website, is are you just handling the generation of the video, or their distribution also? Is there any integration with ad platform? Could I just send you an excel spreadsheet with video variable and a target email in the column?


will be interesting to see who writes them a check :)

Shhhhh :’)

We’ll be moving to unique IDs this week, good catch :)

The background content is customizable and dynamic per video, you can pass in a different URL for each video.

Currently we are only handling the generation of the video- not distribution just yet.

Probably the kind of thing you should do before posting a launch HN

Ya, there are some interesting ones - looks like they sent videos to their entire batch, at least.

I find it rather disconcerting that a report of 'Youre leaking private data publicly' is responded to with 'Good catch'.

No, its embarrassing and would surely put the fear into anyone remotely technical whose org is considering adopting.

Genuine question that I hope isn't interpreted as criticism.

I'm curious how this ultimately scales. I'd bite on believing that these videos can convert better than a boring templated email, but I'd also assume most of that lift is because they're different and enough users haven't caught on to the fact that these are generated.

When people talk about personalized email working better than automated outreach, they usually mean actually personalized emails, which contain at least one sentence that is not just placeholder substitution. Templated emails with substituted variables are usually easy to spot, as evidenced by the number of "I'm really interested in what you're doing at Stealth Startup" messages in my email/LinkedIn.

So, to my question: do you think the lift in conversion you've seen in early tests is sustainable? As people start to understand that this is the new marketing tactic, do you think the average person becomes more aware of it and starts to believe that most videos in their inbox are probably just auto-generated also? Ditto for other use cases. If people like their video-generated product walkthrough because it feels personal, what happens when they start to realize it's almost certainly not?

This idea features in Greg Egan's novel "Distress" as one of the dystopian elements.

It's a great novel; but this idea is pretty horrifying.

I’ll have to give that one a read!

For sales and marketing I definitely see HN crowd cringing a bit. However there are a lot of applications beyond such as onboarding, coaching, e-learning where we can build a sense of connection that otherwise wasn’t possible.

Maybe it's a silly question, but do you think that putting a small message at the start or in the corner saying it's computer-generated would help or hurt?

I personally would feel it is less manipulative and think of it higher.. but perhaps your goal is so people never find out?

Not a silly question at all! This is something we're still figuring out- when there should be disclosure that the video is generated. For some use cases (sales) it might hurt, however for others (e-learning) it might not matter at all.

This is really interesting. I think people find personal videos more engaging because they /know/ they aren't spam. If this technology becomes mainstream, I imagine that people will start to think about these types of videos in the same way.

This is just a sleazy marketing tactic, no matter how you sugar coat it.

Do we really need more manipulation in the world?

Stuff like this should have a warning label, "generated by a machine" or something similar

Interesting point! We’re not looking to fool anyone. More so we’re looking to provide more personalized experiences that otherwise weren’t possible because of the scalability issue. Think Tony stark personally welcoming you to an Iron Man video game :)

Would you rather be told the content is generated before or after you see the video?

Absolutely before, I expect deep fakes like this to be regulated as such

Sales/marketing can definitely seem unsavory at times. Our thought is that these videos aren’t much different than a personalized email through MailChimp- they just provide a new format that is more personable and consumable.

There are also use cases that were working on with tele-health companies, allowing providers to send updates that build trust with patients that they otherwise wouldn’t have time for given the scale.

There are a lot of use cases to build more immersive experiences!

I hate fake personalised content, whether it’s text or video is immaterial. The same is true of many of the people I work with… that said, these sort of products mostly stay within the sales world where gaming people is entirely acceptable and arguably encouraged. Therefore, while I hate this and I’m sure many others here will too, I recognise its genius and expect to see it become very successful because the execution is great. Good luck (but stay away from my inbox!)

It can be scary to see the gears of the machine. Sales is tough though and if this saves an SDR from spending hours making videos we think it’s beneficial. Video messaging is becoming the norm- this is just the next evolution.

There are also so many cool use cases beyond sales!!

This is very cool. I can get a lot of the skepticism here and almost certainly this technology can end up with unsavory results if abused.

So perhaps that's my question -- how are you thinking about anti-fraud and anti-abuse at a high level? There's no HIPAA or CCPA for deepfakes yet, but one imagines that's only a matter of time. How are you planning to address this? Do you have any interest in having a hand working with lawmakers to develop this legislation to ensure responsible usage?

Absolutely! We're continuously researching and learning about how we can make technology such as ours safer.

Currently our platform has a number of mechanisms to prevent abuse. We require explicit voice disclosure to perform any training on a voice/avatar as well as ensure ownership of a voice/avatar and resulting content is in the hands of the individual, not a company. This is in addition to limits put on how you can utilize our platform and what templates you can make.

We totally expect there to be regulation for technology like this and we'd love to work with legislators to enforce responsible usage.

We're working on the flip side of this technology as well- we're developing tools to detect generated video content in order to promote safer usage in the future.

I believe this just great. Many people are talking about manipulation, but that is just if you intend to use it to deceive people.

How about if you wanted to teach a subject and your students wanted to see your face. Perhaps you could use this to just upload a bunch written lessons and this would help everyone.

Or how about using this for tv news/documentaries.

I cannot speak for Tavus, but this is awesome tech if used properly.

Great Job!

Absolutely, e-learning and similar use cases are what excite me the most. We're working with a number of healthtech and e-learning startups doing exactly that- empowering creators to build content that is more personalized and immersive at scale.

I know we’re discussing some important topics on HN today, but wanted to drop our favorite video request we have received on our playground so far from Launch HN: https://video.tavus.io/video?id=2518

Whenever it starts with "Hey Josh So I found out that the playgound does not seem to limit what you can type in the boxes", you know it'll be a good one :)

INB4 the roasts- we do limit what you can submit based on your template and preferences :)

I wonder if there would be as much pushback if this wasn't sales. Let's say it was an online course, where the AI ingests Wikipedia articles and renders a "professor" to lead a video on the subject. Would people feel lied to if they found out that Professor McSmartyPants wasn't real even though they never would have read the article without a video existing?

And that’s the real goal! Building more awesome product experiences. We’re working with e-learning companies, telehealth and other industries where it just isn’t scalable to provide a personal touch that engages the end user.

Starting a new game of the Witcher? Instead of personalized text the cut scene is Geralt talking to you directly :)

With sales though it can be hard to see how the chicken nuggets are made.

Love this.

The massive opportunity here is the conversion of existing low engagement mediums to high engagement voice and video which would include the following verticals (education, content creation, feedback, to name a few).

I understand where the negative comments within the sales / marketing use case come from, but it's important to realize the main KPI in that vertical is conversion, and sales orgs could care less about any other metrics aside from that. This may come at the cost of consumers treatment, but this happens within sales already with predatory practices such as hypertargeting, etc.

And obviously any technology within the umbrella of deepfake can be misused, so I'm less concerned about those types of comments.

It's amazing how well prospects respond to receiving a personal video — but time and time again senders complain about the production cost — Tavus solves this! Fascinating product and not terribly surprised HN seems unimpressed about this sort of thing ;)

I knew the video marketing thing was taking off when 90% of the spam messages I get in LinkedIn started with "Hey Ryan, I know now might not be a great time to chat, so I created a video walkthrough..."

How does this work? Like, it's literally just the same spam, but with a video. Do people really find this to be more useful ? What makes someone click on a video when they wouldn't have read your email, or clicked a link? To me, it's all the same low quality cold outreach.

HN is definitely more inquisitive and critical about things like these but the discussion is actually really helpful for us! Appreciate the thought!

Interesting discussion re: the ethics of everything. From my perspective, if a company is using this to reach more people and get them to listen, at the end of the day, the onus is on the company for having a valuable product for the customer, and the methodology of getting there is less important. I actually am thinking of it from the perspective of the sales person or recruiter... saving them time, so they can work on their own personal goals.

Agreed! The way we see it this is a tool to build a more efficient workflow just like mailmerge was when it was new- Sales/marketing is difficult and is getting more and more difficult by the day. SDRs will spend 12 hours recording 200 lead videos a week- Tavus can give that time back so they focus on what’s important to them.

Sales is a key part of every single company. Sometimes it can be seem unsavory when we see the reality of how it works.

I think most everybody hates this idea, including me.

However, I think the technology could be great for personal assistant apps, reminders/scheduling software, news feeds, and games/entertainment (especially). Anywhere a talking head could fit in a UI... as long as it's clear it's artificially generated. That is key.

It seems like a clone of sendpotion (https://www.sendpotion.com). What's novel about Tavus?

Tavus doesn't require you to record names or dynamic variables at all after your initial recording, unlike send potion. We generate all content in your voice automatically- whether it's a name, a sentence about the weather or something else. We provide true on-demand, event driven videos.

As well- we'll dynamically generate background content too!

Didn’t see any mentions of other languages on the website. Does Tavus support anything else other than English? If not, are there any plans to roll them out? Thanks.

Great question! At the moment we only support English, but are working on other languages to support as well. Any language in particular you’re looking for?

Programmable, aka A/B testable, video Ads is definitely a trend. But not sure whether statically generated videos are good for outreaching.

Programmable videos or "event driven" videos is one of the core functionalities of our platform, especially with the API. We have product teams that are sending out videos based on events taking place on their platforms and it leads to such a cool experience!

This could be fantastic for customized customer responses and video help content in a CX context

Absolutely! CX and onboarding are one of the key use cases we see a lot of success in.

Uncanny valley is an issue here, the video is unsettling to me. How have people responded?

Take a look at the original that’s linked in the playground- she was pretty uncanny naturally haha. TBH we notice because we’re looking for it specifically- 99% of people our videos have gone out to have not noticed until someone has disclosed to them.

Hm I wonder what you originally built this tech for before stumbling on this use case.

Wanna take some guesses? :)

Who owns the content produced? You should sell this to people not companies.

Great question! The person who is being used to make the recordings has full rights to their avatar model. Anything generated is in their control.

This is spam. The audio sounds like it was processed through a vocoder.

You should hear her in real life! We have a link to the original video in the playground- you’ll notice it’s pretty much the same.

I don't know. I was able to tell she was a robot 5 seconds in.

Haha I think you’d be surprised if you heard her in reality, she sounds pretty much exactly like that but I’ll let her know she sounds like a robot :)

Are you restricting what content can be created?

Our playground will let you put whatever you’d like..

However we are approving every use case manually to make sure it’s not crazy.

Facial expressions are still a bit off

On a side note, if the facial expressions were spot on, how would you as a prospective customer feel if you were later informed that the video was in fact AI-generated?

This is a great question that we’re curious about- how would you feel? Would you rather know up front, later or not at all?

In our experience as long as the content is solid small imperfections aren’t an issue. We HN crowd are also more inquisitive and critical :)

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