Task accomplishable doesn’t say nothing about our energy levels which is somewhat of a buzzword but relevant in the context of task lists.
For example I could have “Call mechanic to set up service” but the person answering the call can be an ass through the phone so it’s never pleasant chat. Or you might be introvert and that would require mental gymnastics or there might be a lunch break at specific time or you could get rerouted to some other time.
Hundreds of little factors comes in and sometime inputting all of them into system (I tried!) requires more effort than just getting stuff out.
Task accomplishable doesn’t say nothing about our energy levels which is somewhat of a buzzword but relevant in the context of task lists.
For example I could have “Call mechanic to set up service” but the person answering the call can be an ass through the phone so it’s never pleasant chat. Or you might be introvert and that would require mental gymnastics or there might be a lunch break at specific time or you could get rerouted to some other time.
Hundreds of little factors comes in and sometime inputting all of them into system (I tried!) requires more effort than just getting stuff out.