I’ve found the trouble with Todo lists is that you fill them up and then start ignoring them as they are overwhelming. I’ve recently found Beeminder’s GTBee todo list app a good help as it forces you to enter a due date and fines you at least $5 if you don’t complete the task on the due date. That makes me highly motivated to keep checking the list and completing tasks.
If I find my todo list are overwelming, then it is because:
1. A task is not worth doing - delete it. I am using the app so I don't have to remember it, I am not taking orders from it.
2. Not organized well - if I am cleaning the house I don't want to see what I should do for my personal finances; gift buying guides for Christmas and so on.
3. The item is important, but not something I can do something about now. This indicates to me that I should split it into smaller parts, until I have a GTD next step.
I personally think that a todolist isn't worth much unless you are also blocking time in your calendar to do that task - and when you do, that is the task you will be doing not worrying about anything else.
Beminder is not for everyone. Personally it has changed my life for the better. Before I didn't have discipline, now I'm impressed with my accomplishments in several areas of my life. From shaving, pushups to 3D design, writing and losing weight. At one point I was keeping track of 21 habits with beeminder, now only 12.
I prefer to pay and still having this amazing tool than losing what I described above.
You can do the same without beeminder. The point is that having a punishment if you don't do what you said you will do is a good motivator.
I love Beeminder too (the sister app to GTBee). I’ve been trying to reorganise my habits into ones that aren’t “proxy’s” for what I want to really achieve (Eg “invoiced dollars”, rather than “did some client work”)
Interestingly I’ve found I haven’t done that. I try to make the tasks small enough that when it’s time to do them it’s not overwhelming and the potential fine is enough just sting to make me check the app regularly