As far as I can tell, this is not in anyway affiliated with or sponsored by EA or DICE. Is that correct?
Just want to make sure people don't automatically leap on the BF3 link and blame the publisher or developer, when this appears to be a privately run event.
From what I can see it looks like the event is being put on by an online forum called Powers Gaming. It also appears that because of the backlash they deleted their old information thread about the party, and recreated it today with nothing but a "Coming Soon" message.
If I was EA or DICE I would not be happy with this negative buzz about the game, especially as it makes BF3 players look pretty bad. (Or at least this group of them.)
That is an important point and should be clarified in the blog post. Whoever organised this event are being (quite rightly I would say) made to look like massive douche-bags and it seems a little unfair for it to be people or organisations who aren't actually involved to the be ones getting the blame.
Just want to make sure people don't automatically leap on the BF3 link and blame the publisher or developer, when this appears to be a privately run event.