A great help here is a "start-project-template" like with svelte (for example), they have RIGHT on the home-page a big-ass block that shows you how to "get and start" the
Coming to OCAML the "tooling" can be confusing and ambiguous. For example you can use ocamlc, dune,ocamlbuilder,esy opam etc.
And of course the "few options" for a std lib Core, Batteries etc.
I like the "syntax" from the Batteries more to be honest.
A great help here is a "start-project-template" like with svelte (for example), they have RIGHT on the home-page a big-ass block that shows you how to "get and start" the svelte-new-project-template.
Coming to OCAML the "tooling" can be confusing and ambiguous. For example you can use ocamlc, dune,ocamlbuilder,esy opam etc.
And of course the "few options" for a std lib Core, Batteries etc.
I like the "syntax" from the Batteries more to be honest.