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Show HN: We Created a Platform for Investment Ideas and Insights (utradea.com)
1 point by stuartjm5 on July 28, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Hi Everyone,

I posted about our startup, Utradea, few months back and wanted to share our progress and updates since then (original post - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26893096)

Also - thank you to all the people who provided comments and feedback on our first post - we have made several changes and added some of the larger updates to our dev roadmap

Background: Utradea is a dedicated platform for investment ideas and insights. Our goal is to empower retail investors with the tools and information needed to make better investment decisions. A lot has happened in the last 3 months.

New Features and Updates:

• Released Android App https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.utradea.ut...

• Released iOS App: https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/utradea/id1558492959

• Public and Private Chat rooms

• Reddit Sentiment Analysis Dashboard (to be expanded to other social media platforms)

• SEC Filing Analysis Using NLP

• Portfolio Rebalancer

What's on our dev roadmap?

• Light mode – So people have the option to switch between the two

• Automated DCF - Pre-populated and few adjustable inputs to quickly find the intrinsic value of a stock

• Automated Due Diligence - Automatically displayed investment metrics and insights for a stock

We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback. Thanks for checking it out!

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