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A Startup Post-Mortem, Twenty-Five Years Later (quantable.com)
1 point by jhpacker on July 28, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

When asked about what they would choose between a FAANG job, a consulting job and a startup position in college. The general sentiment was

> it seems to me like getting one of those big companies on your resume early is a way to have a stamp of approval on your talent level that is hard to get otherwise. Plus I think it gives you the best connections for the future.

I found this very weird, might be because I'm on a completely opposite career path(Working on a startup and not really focusing on getting internships). Since when did tech become so elitist?

I'm definitely not saying you have to go the FAANG route (I certainly didn't & I'm the author of this article), but I do think when a potential employer sees that on your resume it gives you instant credibility that you've been vetted by one of these giants. You can earn that credibility in other ways for sure. For better or worse tech is that elitist IMHO.

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