It might help to consider the history of types and sets.
Sets (and consequently modern math and logic) have not been around for as long as we might think. Maybe we had them in different forms, but sets as we know them today were born in 1874 in this paper:
Around 1901, Bertrand Russell discovered a paradox in this formulation of sets, so-called Russel's Paradox:'s_paradox. There are then many ways of dealing with this paradox. The most widely accepted way is to just reformulate the axioms, which was done with Zermelo-Frankel set theory: When people use the word "mathematics" today, they generally implicitly mean that ZFC is being used. It's the most widely accepted mathematical foundation we have.
Another path was proposed by Russell himself, and that is the notion of "type." By restricting the way in which certain operations and their arguments can be considered "valid," his own paradox can be avoided.
So from the beginning, sets are about _collecting_, and types are about _restricting_.
I don’t believe in historical accidents. We “ended up” with set theory because it’s an incredibly rich system that has powered almost every important mathematical discovery in the last 150 years.
We use it because it is the most effective tool for formal reasoning that human beings have ever come up with. The fact that it has limitations, especially in the new world of computation, does not take away its utility.
To me, sets seem like the much more foundational idea, since types were only suggested as a fix for Russell’s paradox. Almost all math can be done without ever running into the limitations of Russel’s paradox, so I look at type theory as more of an evolution of the understanding of sets than anything else.
This strikes me as a quite language-specific treatise, and may indicate a shortcoming or particularity of the syntax or semantics of the described programming language (i.e., Disco) rather than an essential conceptual difference.
For comparison, in Prolog, a type is indeed a set of terms! For example, the type "integer" truly denotes the set of integers, and if an argument has the type "integer", then we know that the predicate can only hold if that argument is an element of this type.
Quoting from the Prolog ISO standard:
7.1 Types
The type of any term is determined by its abstract syntax
Every term has one of the following mutually-exclusive
types: V (variables), I (integers), F (floating point values),
A (atoms), CT (compound terms).
A term with type I, F, or A is an atomic term.
and further:
7.1.2 Integer
An integer is a member of a set I (see 6.1.2 c) where I
is a subset of ℤ characterized by one or three parameters.
Prolog also has type errors: "There shall be a Type Error when the type of an argument or one of its components is incorrect, but not a variable." For example, in Scryer Prolog, we get:
This is because the second argument of length/2 must be an element of the set I of integers. Since the atom 'a' is not an integer, the relation does not hold in this case. Declaratively, a type error is equivalent to silent failure: It means that the relation cannot hold for this type of argument, and so every specialization of the query will also not hold, whereas a generalization or an instantiation with a term of a different type may succeed.
This view readily carries over to logic variables. For example, using library(clpz), we get:
?- X #> 3.
clpz:(X in 4..sup).
And we get a type error if we try to instantiate the thus constrained variable X to a term that is not an element of ℤ:
?- X #> 3, X = a.
caught: error(type_error(integer,a),unknown(a)-1)
So, indeed, types denote sets of terms that are acceptable as arguments.
The example in the article, i.e., ℕ, could be regarded as an element of the set of atoms in Prolog, and therefore have the type atom. In indeed, for example Trealla Prolog answers:
This is an old yarn distinguishing sets and types, extrinsic and intrinsic, "run time" and "compile time".
The idea of a runtime procedure `?- atom(_)` which determines `true.` or `false.` is fundamentally an extrinsic property, thus "set like".
Intrinsically defined objects are defined through (possibly inductive) construction or (possibly coinductive) destruction rules.
Typically a notion of set arises from having some larger universe of things and restricting them via predicates. The notion of types arises from having a system of building (co)inductive definitions and then utilizing that system. Sets are thus, in a sense, fundamentally based on a closed world (said universe) and types an open world (each new utilization of the rules system introduces a novel type).
The word "type" is very overloaded. In the language of type theory, Prolog (and many other languages, usually dynamic) consider a universal type of all terms, and then a "type" is a set on the universal type. This is a fine way to go (though you can get contradictions in the form of infinite loops in typechecking if "types" are terms themselves).
In type theory, at least for the ones many theoreticians seem to be interested in, the has_type/2 predicate (using Prolog terminology) is a function, which is to say has_type(x, y) has a single value for y for any given term x. Things are set up so that the way in which x is represented (i.e., constructed) determines y. This is useful computationally because if you know something's type, you then know how to deconstruct it into components. For example, types drive the expected cases of a match expression.
My main point with this comment is to bring up the fact that the article is talking about type theories as academics who study functional programming languages see them, so in context it's not specific to Disco.
(I should mention that has_type is only a function given a symbolic representation of a construction for x. Theoretically, things of different types can have the same internal representation, like with Java generics or C structs, but I think you can always arrange things so that has_type is a function by tagging values with their type. Even in more delicate dependent type systems.)
(I guess I should mention that my understanding of types after some years of confusion is that in the end they essentially provide an API for values. The program code sort of constitutes a proof that a value has a specific type, and then you can interact with it as such. It's explicitly not part of the API for a type to be able to tell whether something has that type -- in many type theories, values can have multiple types! Sets on the other hand are a type where part of their API is that values can determine whether or not a value is an element. It's certainly possible to fuse the concepts so that types are required to be sets, but I think this is avoided because there's not always an algorithm for the set interface.)
Only tangentially related, every once in a while I look for a book, video, or even course that concisely explains the “language” of mathematical notation. As someone who is largely self-taught when it comes to the more advanced math it’s frustrating that so many resources assume a basic level of notational knowledge/understanding so they just skip right over it and you’re left piecing it together using context clues and LaTex crib sheets.
For better or for worse, piecing things together using context clues never seems to really end :-)
One useful heuristic is the "unambiguous parse rule." You think about different ways something might be read (even if you have no idea what it's trying to say yet) and try to work out which one would lead to the least ambiguity. This is helpful also when trying to figure out how to write using newly learned notation yourself.
A good technique is to just not get frustrated. All math starts impenetrable. Read ahead, try to get a glimpse of an idea of what's going on. Go back, find other sources about the same thing, find sources about similar things. If the original source was worth anything, eventually it'll reveal itself. Sometimes you realize you weren't the target audience and you were supposed to have been exposed to more introductory material and you wish they had cited one, but anyway, you found it.
Another thing is that sometimes you just need to ask an expert, someone who's steeped in the culture. is open to notation questions, but the guidance you can get in-person can be much more nuanced.
I actually like running into new notation (supposing I'm not on a deadline trying to figure something out...), be it math or a programming language. You're trying to solve the puzzle of the purpose of the notation, what function does it serve, why someone ever thought this was a good idea. I've exposed myself to a lot of bits of obscure programming languages over the years, which makes it easier to guess what things might mean.
Maybe one more thing: math notation tends to be invented for specific purposes, and maybe most of it doesn't carry over from subject to subject. Arithmetic, function application, summations, integrals, and set notation are fairly universal though.
> In a math class, we typically tell students that ℕ is a set.
I think the approach is a bit glib. There are some caveats—a student with more mathematical experience would think of ℕ as a set, or a type, or as objects in various categories.
It’s also worth asking a student what 1∪2 is. Most people will look at that and just tilt their head, even though common foundations for mathematics treat 1 and 2 as sets. It turns out most people don’t want to work in foundations, and want to think of 1 and 2 as non-sets. The same applies in the other direction, upwards, when you think of ℕ as a type (even though it is also a set).
> It turns out most people don’t want to work in foundations, and want to think of 1 and 2 as non-sets
Which is to say most mathematicians prefer type theory to set theory :). Perhaps we should stop saying "maths is usually done in ZFC", or that "ZFC is mainstream math". For one math is almost never formalized and second informal math is quite strongly typed (the basic object usually not a set but a structured set) where set theory is very untyped. At some point people (erm mathematicians) have to acknowledge that we computer sciency-math have brought far better foundations (being intuitionistic type theory) insofar that it has set theory as a subpart, but is much finer in what it can distinguish. It's newtonian mechanics vs general relativity. What set-foundationalists say is fine, but the frontier is elsewhere.
> For one math is almost never formalized and second informal math is quite strongly typed [...]
I think you're correct about the first part, but not about the second.
It is incredibly common in mathematics to silently "convert" objects between different types or to ignore certain things that will trip you up once you try to encode things super formally. For example, "the function x^2" (instead of x->x^2), basically all the common notational shorthands in differential equations, where functions are treated as variables, silently identifying isomorphic objects and so on. Plus, very few working mathematicians actually use constructivism and are quite happy with the existence of, for example, the whole set of real numbers.
“The function x^2” isn’t a silent conversion between objects of different types. It’s really exactly one thing: the function x->x^2. It's just shorthand.
Also note that intuitionistic type theory is only one kind of type theory. There’s nothing about assuming the existence of real numbers that implies you are not using type theory. Intuitionistic type theory is useful because computer programs must construct their values… the Curry-Howard correspondence is between the types system in a computer program and statements in intuitionistic logic.
> It is incredibly common in mathematics to silently "convert" objects between different types. [..] silently identifying isomorphic objects
Would you agree that correct instances of this pattern are exactly cases of considering objects only up to isomorphism? The problems of equality in constructive mathematics is a complicated one but things are starting to clear out, with constructive interpretations of this pattern (eg constructive models of univalence, implemented in cubical agda) people are starting to do wonders, like this superb grad thesis about finiteness [1].
The hard part is certainly the silentness of these identifications (which if i'm not mistaken is kind of the difference between extensional and intensional logics). But again i believe that they can be systematized contextually: one could for example declare in a preample which implicit isomorphisms they are going to use, which would then be disambiguated by type and decidably searched-for.
> ignore certain things [..] basically all the common notational shorthands
This is certainly a challenge for formalization, but my belief is that it can be done. Imho this is where the cross-pollination between "real-life programming" and constructive maths shows: contextual generalization (binding) of unbound variables (eg implicit polymorphism in ML-likes types, structure inference and coercions along structure refinements using typeclasses/search-like procedures and unification hints, ...). We definitely have to continue developing nice "surface languages" for generating proofs (compiling?) in the formal core (assembly?).
> Plus, very few working mathematicians actually use constructivism and are quite happy with the existence of, for example, the whole set of real numbers.
I'm not sure i understand your point: constructive models of real number exist (usually as equivalence classes of some kind, which a sufficiently sophisticated type theory will give you tools to work with). Constructive models doesn't mean we have a decidable normalization procedure tho. I skimmed through it but there is this recent talk at msp101 about real numbers in agda [2] and there is a chapter about it in the HoTT book.
How is intuitionistic type theory a "better" foundation? As a simple example, where can I find a statement of Brouwer's fixpoint theorem in an intuitionistic type theory, and how is it better stated than its classical counterpart?
Yes. One common definition is equivalent to each natural to being the set containing all preceding naturals. With that view 2={0,1} and 1={0}, so their union is just 2.
I think calling the type of natural numbers ℕ instead of Natural is causing the confusion. Students would be less tempted to write
{1,2} ⊆ Natural
as the right side looks like a type name rather than a value . Haskell helps to maintain the distinction by using capitals for type names and lower case for variable names.
I would seem natural to write:
naturals :: Set Natural
naturals = {0,1..}
{1,2} ⊆ naturals
I think a clearer way of putting is this: types are not a mathematical notion.
So "Bool" is not the same as "{On, Off}" nor "{0, 1}" nor "{Up, Down}" etc.
We can reduce a type to a set of all constructible values; likewise we can reduce english to the "big infinity" of all possible sentences expressed in all possible universes. But english isnt this set.
If one had this set, E, then you could reduce the question of whether a conversation (C) is valid english to set-membership, "is C in E?" but this misses whether the conversation is actually about anything.
Likewise "me" can occur in an infinite number of sets (Person, RandomObjectsOnEarth, ...), but that "me in Person" is the "valid question" has nothing to do with "me in Person" -- and everything to do with the semantics of me/Person. "Person" is about "me".
It is for this reason that values have "principal types" in programming languages; ie., the "set" which happens to be about the value.
Insofar as mathematics is employed to model reality we have to introduce non-mathematical devices to constrain its application, types may be understood as the formal mechanism to do this.
There is no mathematical encoding of natural world semantics: the sense in which "Person" and "MostIntelligentSpecies" are different cannot be expressed mathematically.
(p in Person) obtains as does (p in MostIntelligentSpecies)
but Person cannot be eliminated for MostIntelligentSpecies
The article itself makes this point, but then tries to compromise with the mathematical reduction "to sets". It would be clearer just to state that this is a reduction rather than an elimination.
It looks to me like the guy has an outbreak of reservedkeyworditis the language that he's trying to handwave around with some talking point about sets versus type.
But a syntax error of a reserved keyword being used in some phrase structure that calls for a a non-reserved identifier doesn't have anything to do with type semantics.
The phrase structure of the A ⊆ B syntax could allow B to be certain keywords, such as ℕ, which is treated as a set in that context in the appropriate way (via an implicit conversion or whatever).
We know what A ⊆ N means; what the programmer is asking. The requirement is not unclear. Moreover, it is doable. The question is do you do that, or not.
Isn't the confusion just that the Disco language uses the same symbol for its type that math uses for a very commonly known set?
The symbol ℕ commonly refers to a set, but on Disco it suddenly refers to a type, it's not surprising that the confusion arises, especially since Disco also includes the concept of sets.
> The set of natural numbers, denoted ℕ
This is mostly how math refers to it, you can see both set and type here, the set of type natural numbers is denoted ℕ, thus "natural number" is the type and "ℕ" is the set.
The type describes the rules for what is included in the set (in this case: all natural numbers), and the set is the list of all things that are included (each of the natural numbers themselves).
It gets even weirder when Brent (an expert in Haskell and math, both of which feature infinite sets!) expresses concern that he'll have to add infinite sets to his language, as though that wasn't totally obvious from the start.
It's not, exactly, but some of the concepts do overlap. In particular, the idea of being able to write things in a "natural" mathematical style, then have them translate to an obsessively precise internal representation, is essentially the problem of "elaboration" as described in the top answer.
> Sets are characterized by the \in relation: we can ask which items are elements of a set and which are not.
> Types, on the other hand, are characterized by how elements of the type are built: we can construct elements of a type (and deconstruct them) in certain ways specific to the type.
Huh. So sets vs types are like folksonomies vs taxonomies?
> Disco> {1,2} ⊆ {1,2,3}
Dumb question: How are you entering mathematically symbols?
My hobby language recognizes both "!=" and "≠" as "not equal", and I use a font with ligatures to render them the same.
Honestly philosophers getting ahold of set theory is probably one of the worst things to happen to it. I feel like it can be hard for people to take set theory seriously when the conversation about it is dominated by this kind of drivel.
Basically this kind of dichotomy, and this image of set theory as the source of all truth in math or whatever... is essentially a myth made up by people peddling their own (new and improved!) foundations project as the source of all truth.
> So types are prior to sets: types provide a universe of values, constructed in orderly ways, that we can work with; only then can we start picking out certain values to place them in a set.
What about uninhabited types?
Or types where the constructor is not enough to determine the entire type?
For uninhabited types there's a universe (empty), ways to construct (no ways), ways to work with (any way), and you can (tautologically) pick out values and put them in sets.
Constructors aren't first order meaningful (except in higher-kinded calculi) but for any concrete types `A` and `B`, `MyType A B` is a type with a universe of values (isomorphic to `A`'s universe), ways to construct and use (again, isomorphic to `A`s), and we can place them in sets.
I think I see now. So the author wasn't saying that construction of values is what defines the type. Rather it is a necessary step before you can start talking about sets of values. (And you can talk about a type without knowing how to construct it, so that makes types different from sets?)
I think I see what the question is now. A type is defined by picking how its values are introduced and/or used. It doesn’t mean that those rules have to be actually productive. In fact there are many kinds of uninhabited types (the empty type being the simplest, but in languages with rich type systems there are many others).
I don’t think you need the distinction for the natural numbers. Int32 is a type. The natural numbers are the set of positive integers that don’t overflow the int type used to express them.
If you mean "representing values as a pair of integers P, Q, such that the value = P/Q", the answer is that they're very expensive to work with. You generally need to be using arbitrary-length integers for P and Q, because the values get very large very quickly. And as the values get large, operations like finding the lowest common multiple (required for almost any operation between two rationals) get expensive.
As an example of the kinds of runaway increase in P and Q I'm talking about, consider calcuating the sum of x/(x+1) for values of x from 1 to 999, using python's fractions module:
>>> sum(Fraction(x)/(x+1) for x in range(1000))
Fraction(7075502361382798268120793110090229940258706389605508780354900641905867818691614397718938054011886551220308728288024788414601821895503124242001568659978565050184167864774563757893457200995977901194872761682228965032590045181707202517783731540396927542180527680245723964874429994374505238893797078720320991788231820649513569449454767125309918934132672543174716802507966087781714014833406311821646176291230132112749836042537756095388477483, 7128865274665093053166384155714272920668358861885893040452001991154324087581111499476444151913871586911717817019575256512980264067621009251465871004305131072686268143200196609974862745937188343705015434452523739745298963145674982128236956232823794011068809262317708861979540791247754558049326475737829923352751796735248042463638051137034331214781746850878453485678021888075373249921995672056932029099390891687487672697950931603520000)
That's a 436-digit P and a 433-digit Q.
Rational types like this can definitely be a good choice in a use-case where accuracy is important, and operations do not compound. But they're a poor default, which is why we generally see float types as the most common non-integer number representation.
If languages used float-intervals instead of just float that would be a reasonable explanation.
But Frink is the only language I know which default to floating point ranges.
Rationals are typically slower (gcd operations) and prone to memory explosion if the set of possible denominators isn't extremely nice.
If approximate answers suffice then a scheme like floats or doubles is usually good enough.
If approximate answers suffice and floats or doubles have undesirable properties (weird density distributions, ranges larger than what your application needs, ...) then it's easy to hack something together with a few _bounded_ integer types which has better properties for your specific needs.
In most other practical applications some kind of a fixed-precision decimal suffices. It's a bit slower than floats and might have undesirable memory characteristics, but broad classes of real-world numbers which need to be represented exactly (like financial data) are nicely represented.
Compared with those (and other) schemes, what advantages do rationals have? Chiefly, they admit an exact representation of any rational number. If you can mitigate the downsides (e.g., by not having many possible denominator prime factors) and need those benefits then rationals might be a good fit.
One practical situation where I occasionally like to use rationals is in account data -- credits, currencies, .... It lends itself to forward compatibility when new features are desired (most often that the smallest atomic unit in a currency changes or that some niche system wants to offer transactions for 1/3 of a unit). Such changes usually have small, nice, compatible denominators, so you don't have unbounded memory issues. More importantly, all such operations are exact by definition without any extra work on my part (the biggest challenges are in display and formatting if your business admits those sorts of oddities).
I'm guessing the reason it's not often used in programming is due to slower performance and larger memory requirements. I typically see rationals (numerator/denominator pair) used in arbitrary-precision libraries.
> ..Arithmetic with rational numbers can become unwieldy very quickly: 1/99 − 1/100 = 1/9900, and if 1/101 is then added, the result is 10001/999900.
Few applications need them for correctness according to domain requirements. Compare with fixed-precision decimal encodings, which are mathematically less fundamental, but are common in programming because many applications require monetary amounts to be calculated using fixed-precision arithmetic.
It's true that floating point calculations are much faster, but we do a lot of expensive things in code when we need to, and people do use rational types when they need exact rational arithmetic. It just doesn't happen very often.
I'm not an expert but, certainly, (1) limited memory on historical machines necessitated a small-width representation of a real number; (2) limited cpus meant simple operations needed to be applied to this small-width representation in one go.
Ie., your CPU is just a system for taking bit patterns and producing new bit patterns: (0000 0000) -> (1010 0101). So you want each individual number to be of a size the processor can operate on in one pass.
By using two integers you gain some capacity (ie., you can still overflow), but lose memory and compute performance.
You obviously can't have the entire rationals, because your computer's memory is finite. And if you are approximating anyway, adding space to the mantissa of both the numerator and denominator will approximate values about as well as adding space only into one of them (the actual gain grows with O(log(n)) of those sizes).
Thus, if you won't work with exact numbers, the best choice to represent rationals is to place all bits you can at the mantissa of a single side, and just store the order of magnitude of the other side. And, for simplicity you want the mantissa on the numerator side. What is basically a floating point number.
Things are very different if you will work with exact numbers.
The memory size does not matter. For any finite size, you will get a closer approximation of the rationals from floating point than by a ratio of integers.
The difference ratio only gets bigger when you add more memory.
Sets (and consequently modern math and logic) have not been around for as long as we might think. Maybe we had them in different forms, but sets as we know them today were born in 1874 in this paper:
Around 1901, Bertrand Russell discovered a paradox in this formulation of sets, so-called Russel's Paradox:'s_paradox. There are then many ways of dealing with this paradox. The most widely accepted way is to just reformulate the axioms, which was done with Zermelo-Frankel set theory: When people use the word "mathematics" today, they generally implicitly mean that ZFC is being used. It's the most widely accepted mathematical foundation we have.
Another path was proposed by Russell himself, and that is the notion of "type." By restricting the way in which certain operations and their arguments can be considered "valid," his own paradox can be avoided.
So from the beginning, sets are about _collecting_, and types are about _restricting_.