This is what bothers me about Norway. They have become rich by harvesting abundant natural resources, and now spend that money to try and stop other countries from exploiting their own. It seems hypocritical to me, especially because they present it as being altruistic when they shame poor countries for trying to provide for their people.
I live in Poland, our government love coal ("our black gold" as they call it) and I never heard anything from Norwegian government about this. I don't listen/watch our government radios/tv, so the message should come to me as any other related to climate catastrophe. I'm not saying that you're lying or anything, but I would love to see some examples of this shaming.
Not many around. USSR is gone, and China doesn't do this "hollier than thou" facade, plus the prerequisite is that the superpower "now spend that money to try and stop other countries from exploiting their own"