> A recent study conducted by researchers at London University College concluded that globally, a third of oil reserves, half of gas reserves and over 80% of current coal reserves should remain unused from 2010 to 2050 in order to meet the target of 2 °C. Specifically, the study concluded, all oil and gas reserves north of the Arctic Circle should remain in the ground to halt dangerous climate change.
> It is therefore of huge concern that the Norwegian Ministrer of Petroleum and Energy, Tord Lien from the Progressive Party (FrP), is set to announce the opening of the 23rd licensing round for exploration in 57 new drilling locations in the Arctic, further north than ever.
> It is therefore of huge concern that the Norwegian Ministrer of Petroleum and Energy, Tord Lien from the Progressive Party (FrP), is set to announce the opening of the 23rd licensing round for exploration in 57 new drilling locations in the Arctic, further north than ever.
-- From your link