> On the subject of secrets, would a better option not be to store a Secret using AWS Secrets Manager with the value you need to acquire
You could do that, but you can also throw money in the bin. Secrets Managers is basically a paid for wrapper around SSM Parameter Store. Last I checked the only nice thing it had was automatic key rotation. The price for that ? 50cents per secret per month. That will add up pretty quick.
Secrets Manager has an SLA. Parameter Store doesn’t.
If Parameter Store goes down or suffers a huge slowdown, we’ll that’s just your problem.
If Secrets Manager goes down or suffers a huge slowdown, then you’ve got some recourse to support — and getting your money back.
Parameter Store is also a one-by-one thing per each and every secret you want to store, whereas Secrets Manager lets you store a whole bunch of components inside of one “secret”.
It’s your choice either way, but for me personally, I’d rather use a service that has an SLA.
You could do that, but you can also throw money in the bin. Secrets Managers is basically a paid for wrapper around SSM Parameter Store. Last I checked the only nice thing it had was automatic key rotation. The price for that ? 50cents per secret per month. That will add up pretty quick.